Tammy Whiting, our Disney Cruise Line expert, shares 10 of her favorite impressions of the brand-new Disney Treasure. Find out more!

The Disney Treasure is here, and she is a beautiful ship! The Treasure is the first sister ship of the Disney Wish. Disney took the Wish, rethemed it, and did some amazing things with it. I’m a huge fan of the Treasure, and I can already tell it’s going to be my favorite ship. Here are 10 of my first impressions.

1. The Grand Hall – The Grand Hall is gorgeous. The concept art was fairly dark, which I didn’t mind, but the reality is much brighter. Aladdin, Jasmine, and Magic Carpet make for the perfect statue, and the tile work and details throughout the space are perfect. And that chandelier? Whoa. Stunning. It’s full of nods to the other five ships and changes colors multiple times during a sailing.

2. Plaza de Coco – Plaza de Coco has some of the same limitations as Arendelle: A Frozen Dining Adventure, its counterpart on the Wish. The sightlines are improved, but there are still tables around the edges with limited-to-nonexistent views.

The live music, however, can be heard and enjoyed by everyone! And it’s a fun show. The food was very good; it’s wayyyyy past time we had chips and salsa onboard a Disney ship, but I wouldn’t be shocked if it changed and became a little more basic over the next year.

3. Sarabi – Sarabi is the same basic space as Luna on the Wish, and Luna is one of my favorite spaces onboard. Sarabi has a Lion King theme and colors, and it works really well! The nighttime show for adults —Choose Wisely! An Indiana Jones Comedy Adventure—is such a fun, welcome addition.
4. Skipper Society – Skipper Society is adorable. The theming is perfection. There are tiki bird lamps, a canvas ceiling with vines from the jungle poking through, and fun chairs and booths to camp out in for the evening. Don’t miss the waffles!

5. The Haunted Mansion Parlor – Disney really outdid itself with this space. It’s incredibly immersive, with details and hidden surprises to be discovered. Disney is going to have a hard time getting people to leave this one. It was packed on our cruise, and we found ourselves going back over and over again.

6. Tomorrow Tower Suite – The third Tower Suite in the fleet is my favorite. It’s identical to the Wish Tower Suite but with an EPCOT theme. Is there anyone who doesn’t want to see their own personal Spaceship Earth light up when they enter their stateroom? I can’t think of anyone.

7. Scat Cat Lounge – The Scat Cat Lounge is a cute space! It’s surprisingly elegant for a lounge themed after a movie about cats. The live music is top-notch, and the paw prints on the piano are adorable. Unlike Nightingale’s on the Wish, which is closed off, part of the Scat Cat opens up into the Grand Hall.
8. Periscope Pub – I like Keg and Compass, the pub on the Wish, but Periscope Pub is a worthy competitor. Disney pushed the bar to the back of the room instead of the side, and it makes Periscope Pub feel about three times bigger. The ceiling with various sea creatures swimming overhead is fun, and the submarine doors are the perfect touch.
9. Staterooms – The staterooms on the Wish have a few elements that have drawn guest complaints. So, did they add more drawers? Put the TV on a swivel? Change the sideways fridge? No. No, they did not. Will you still probably love your stateroom? Yes. Yes, you will.

10. Disney’s The Tale of Moana – The new show onboard is wow. It blew me away. Best show in the fleet. I’ll avoid spoilers here, but it is so well done. The special effects were impressive, and the cast was incredible. Applause to everyone involved!
About the author of the blog: Tammy Whiting is the coauthor of The Unofficial Guide to Disney Cruise Line. Blogger, Space Force wife, and mother of two, Tammy has been involved in the travel industry for more than 15 years. Though she certainly enjoys vacations of all kinds, her favorite adventures around the globe have been on cruise ships. Tammy spent five years of her childhood in Europe as a military brat and has been a military spouse for over 30 years, living in almost every corner of the US. When she isn’t traveling, you can find her enjoying her family, buying camera equipment, and planning her next trip!
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