For the first time in memory, Walt Disney World will be empty of crowds this holiday weekend. Although the parks are shuttered, we still can “hop” back in time for a photographic visit with two of the Magic Kingdom’s rarest residents, Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny!

Currently, all theme parks, cruise lines, and other attractions are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We at The Unofficial Guides hope all our readers and their loved ones, as well as all attraction employees, remain healthy and safe. Without intending to trivialize the current crisis, we will continue to post positive stories about the parks, in hopes of bringing their magic into your home as a welcome distraction during these trying times. For the latest updates, read our guide to cornoavirus and the theme parks.
Mickey and Minnie Mouse are easy to find any day of the year at Walt Disney World’s theme parks, as are the popular princesses and other animated friends. However, there are a handful of less common costumed characters that only appear at select times of year, and Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny are at the top of that list.

As the Easter holiday approaches, this quiet corner of Main Street U.S.A. adjacent to City Hall is transformed into Bunny Lane Garden, a meeting and greeting spot for the season’s lagomorph stars.

The pair appear intermittently between the posted times, and they can draw quite a crowd, so be prepared to queue up for your cute photo op.

The wait will be well worth it because, in addition to getting your picture taken, you’ll receive a signed “Easter egg” souvenir.

Like the rest of us, Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny are hibernating this spring, but we can’t wait to see them bound back into the parks next Easter!

For all there is to see and do at Walt Disney World, check out The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World. To plan your family’s trip to Orlando, check out The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World with Kids 2020. If you enjoyed this post, please subscribe to our YouTube channel and sign up for our newsletter here. Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.