Today, we visit Disney’s Animal Kingdom and take a stroll through one of the park’s hidden gems: the Maharajah Jungle Trek, which features tigers, bats, and other amazing creatures from Asia.

The Maharaja Jungle Trek is another walk-through zoological exhibit at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, similar to the Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail but somewhat shorter and with an Asian setting.

You start with Komodo dragons and work up to monkeys.

Next comes a habitat with fruit bats. You can bypass this building if you prefer.

Ruins of the maharajah’s palace provide the setting for Bengal tigers. From the top of a parapet in the palace you can view a herd of blackbuck antelope and Asian deer.

The trek concludes with an aviary. Labyrinthine, overgrown, and elaborately detailed, the temple ruin would be a compelling attraction even without the animals. Throw in a few bats, bucks, and Bengals, and you’re in for a treat.

The Maharajah Jungle Trek doesn’t get as jammed up as the Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail and is a good choice for midday touring when most other attractions are crowded. The downside, of course, is that the exhibit showcases tigers, bats, and other creatures that might not be very active in the heat of the day.
Now, experience the entire Maharajah Jungle Trek for yourself from the comfort of your couch by watching this complete POV walktrough video:
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