Over a year after construction first began, Universal Orlando has finally acknowledged the dinosaur in the room—and officially announced that the Jurassic World VelociCoaster will open at Islands of Adventure in summer 2021. We’ve been watching this vicious new scream machine rise since the very beginning, and we have a photographic preview of the thrills in store for riders next year.

The new attraction, which has already dramatically altered IOA’s skyline by framing the iconic Jurassic Park Discovery Center, blurs the line between the original film franchise and its Jurassic World follow-ups with queue-line cameos from Chris Pratt (Owen Grady), Bryce Dallas Howard (Claire Dearing), and BD Wong (Dr. Henry Wu). Apparently, none of them have paid attention to the movies they’ve starred in because they’re going to be offering guests scenic tours of the maximum-security paddocks where Blue and her carnivorous pals camp out. What could possibly go wrong?

Riders will board 24-passenger trains to experience two high-speed launches, an 80-degree dive down a towering 155-foot-tall “top-hat,” and close encounters with realistic rockwork and animatronic dinosaurs, all while being secured by nothing more than a lap bar (and Newtonian physics).

With a top speed of 70 miles per hour, and an astounding 12 seconds total of weightless “airtime” (including a first-of-its-kind zero-G inverted stall), VelociCoaster boasts the kinds of statistics that make coaster nerds salivate. However, you merely need to look at how the Intamin-built track barrel-rolls and bat-wings along the waterfront to know that this will be one of the most intense scream machines in town.

When it debuts in summer 2021, we expect the VelociCoaster to quickly overtake Hulk as the hardcore thrill junkies’ favorite ride. If open, hit it first thing in the morning, or make it your last ride of the night.

The entrance is located on the lower level behind the Discovery Center and is not directly accessible from Jurassic Park’s main pathway; take the bridge from Lost Continent for the most direct route from the park entrance.

Once the construction walls come down, we think you’ll be able to get a preview of the ride’s launch by peeking through the wall across from the Raptor Encounter entrance.

Even if you aren’t brave enough to ride, the illuminated trains will make for a beautiful sight after sunset.

Another great spot for observing the upcoming attraction will be the back patio of The Three Broomsticks.

If you’re as hungry as we are to see the VelociCoaster in action, grab a snack from the recently updated menu at the Natural Selections kiosk near the Jurassic Park River Adventure entrance.

We give the thumbs-up to the Dulce De Leche churros, with a warm caramel filling, and the savory beef empanadas, both of which are a good use of a dining plan snack credit.

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